Réalisateur/Editeur : THQ
Développeur : Volition
Langue : Menu Français / Voix Anglais
Genre : Action
Date de sortie : 02 février 2009
Plateforme : PC
Hébergement des fichiers : Free,
Découpé avec : Winrar
Nombre de fichiers : 8
Taille des fichiers : 950
Taille de l'upload : 6,8 Go
Partie 1
Partie 2
Partie 3
Partie 4
Partie 5
Partie 6
Partie 7
Partie 8
Game Notes
Saints Row 2 brings true freedom to open-world gaming. Players can play as
who they want, how they want, and with whomever they want in this sequel to
the much acclaimed and tremendously successful Saints Row. Set years after
the original, the player finds himself in a Stilwater both familiar and
strange and challenged with bringing the Saints back as the rightful kings of
Stilwater and bringing vengeance to those who wronged him.
Install Notes
1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn iso
3. Install using rzrsetup.exe on the disc, or run autorun
4. Copy Crack from the razor1911 dir over the installed files
Due to the nature of steam, we had to create a new installer ourselves.
If you feel unhappy with this, buy the game and enjoy installing steam as
an additional bonus!
Also note that the installation is roughly 11Gb, and you wont see a
progressbar during it. Check the installation path if you are worried
nothing is happening ;)
J'ai pas réussi à installer ce jeux, je n'ai pas trouvé le crack..